Akerele promises to Reposition FCT A.N.A if Elected Chair

The Executive Director Policy House International, Comrade Taiwo Akerele is set to contest the chairmanship position of Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) FCT Chapter, Akerele released a statement in Abuja on Friday calling for members of the association to support is aspiration to becoming the chairman of the association.

Read his Statement below:

Dear colleague/ANA Abuja chapter member,

Reinstatement of aspiration to run for Chairman of FCT chapter of ANA,

Good day, my name is Taiwo F. Akerele, approximately about 12 weeks ago on 20th of February I formally declared my intention to run for the FCT chapter chairman of A.N.A i followed this up with individual messages sent to members, I have since received alot of feedback and opinions from members of this association most of which were quite encouraging and others advisory.

In the wake of the lull in the electoral process I have had to follow suit in the spirit of the moment. However following the release of the electoral guidelines and procedures I wish to appeal once again to members to give me the opportunity to lead this noble association in this very important period.

I will reproduce my 25th of February message hereunder;

I am directly reaching out to you to further deepen my personal relationship with individual members of the association to underscore my seriousness with respect to this aspiration.

I have only one dream along with other objectives to use my wealth of experience in government, civil society, development partnership and private sector to revive the Abuja chapter of the association to become the golden chapter of ANA in Nigeria.

In my last two decades of active work in Nigeria I have worked with individuals and we have become professional colleagues having brought in our individual talents to build organization we worked in, so also I desire to partner with you to build ANA Abuja chapter to an enviable height and I do hope you will support me with your vote at this critical time.

Please free feel to contact me at anytime for more constructive engagement.

I will be guided by the constitution in all my dealings because the constitution is very clear on the operational modalities to run and operate the association within the ambit of the law of the land.

Taiwo Akerele
chairmanship aspirant 2021.

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